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How to Play

Conjure demons and fight them. Get rewarded with DCORE for every demon you slay.

DemoniCore Circles

The Brethren of Demonicore are ranked by Circle, with Circles 1-9 correlating to each of the 9 Circles of Hell
  • A Circle 1 Brethren is able to Conjure demons from the 1st Circle of Hell, which is the weakest
  • A Circle 9 member can Conjure demons from the most fearsome Circle of Hell, the 9th
  • While there are only 9 Circles of Hell (as far as we currently know), you can choose to progress past the 9th Circle of DemoniCore mastery, if you stake enough DCORE
You start the game as a Circle 0 Initiate
  • You can Conjure from the 1st Circle of Hell, but only the weakest Imps from that realm will be coerced by your summons.
  • Still, they are cunning, swift and deadly, and can never be underestimated, least of all by a Circle 0 Initiate.


DCORE are artifacts of power, used by both demons and Brethren to fuel their magics. Many God-fearing humans detest the idea of DCORE, but a Brethren of DemoniCore knows that to fight evil, one must use every advantage, especially tokens that harnesses magic from the ancient world.
  • As a Circle 0 Initiate, you can Conjure, battle, and even slay demons, but you cannot earn DCORE
  • Only by staking enough DCORE to attain the rank of Circle 1 Apprentice, will you be eligible to earn DCORE whenever you vanquish a demon
  • The higher the Circle of Hell from which you conjure the demon, the more you earn
  • Click on the icon in the stats box under your username and title, to stake DCORE in your Hive Engine wallet and Ascend to the next Circle

Battle Demons

The heart of DemoniCore is conjuring a demon and then battling it:
  1. Go to the Battles page
  2. Choose a Circle of Hell to conjure a demon from
    • As a Circle 0 Initiate, you will only have 1 choice, the 1st Circle of Hell
    • The 1st Circle has the weakest demons. However, they are still extremely deadly, especially for a Circle 0 Initiate
Player choices
Once a demon is conjured, you enter battle, where you have 3 choices for each turn of combat:
  • Attack
    Attempt to strike the demon physically
    • When attacking, you will either hit or miss the demon.
      • Your Speed level: A higher level increases your chances of hitting
      • The demon's Speed level: A higher level allows it to more easily evade you
    • If your attack hits, the amount of damage inflicted is affected by:
      • Your Attack level: A higher level causes more damage
      • The demon's Defense level: A higher level decreases your damage
  • Magic
    Cast a magic spell to harm the demon
    • A magic spell cannot be evaded. However, the amount of damage you can inflict varies and can even be 0. This damage is based on:
      • Your Magic level: A higher level increases the damage you can inflict
      • The demon's Magic level: A higher level allows it to more easily evade you
    • If your attack hits, the amount of damage inflicted is affected by:
      • Your Attack level: A higher level causes more damage
      • The demon's Blasphemy level: A higher level decreases the damage it suffers
  • Guess demon name
    A demon's greatest weakness is someone knowing their true name
    • As a DemoniCore Brethren, you have been trained in the craft of Demon name divination
    • If you guess the demon's name correctly, all of their stats (Attack level, Defense level, etc.) will be reduced. However:
      • If a demon's stat is at level 1, it will not go to 0, with one exception
      • A demon's Magic level can go to 0. With a level of 0, the demon can no longer choose the Magic battle option, and can choose only to Attack
    • The earlier you can successfully guess the demon's name in battle, the more benefit you will derive, since their stats will be reduced for every turn thereafter
    • Your chance of success is affected by:
      • Your Faith level: The higher, the better
      • The demon's Blasphemy level: The higher, the harder it is for you to penetrate their minds
After you make your choice, the battle turn will proceed. Either you or the demon will have the Initiative, which determines who will move first. Initiative is affected by:
  • Your Circle: A Circle 9 Brethren has a higher chance of going first than a Circle 0 Initiate
  • The demon's Circle of Hell: A demon from the 9th Circle of Hell has a higher chance of going first, compared to one from the 1st Circle
  • You Speed level: The higher your Speed level, the better your chances
  • The demon's Speed level: The higher its Speed level, the lower your chances
Battle turns
  • Each battle turn consists of a player's move and the demon's move
  • If the Health of either the player or demon reaches 0, the battle ends immediately, and the surviving member is victorious
    • Even if you lose, your Health will recover in time for your next battle

You must have Energy to battle, and each battle decreases your total Energy by 1

If you reach 0 Energy, you must wait until it recharges to at least 1, before you can enter another battle

  • The base Energy maximum is 6, though you can increase this limit by upgrading your Defense level
  • Your Energy recharges at the rate of about 1 every 4 hours, though you can increase this rate by upgrading your Attack level
  • Owning a Dragonlet NFT card will increase your Energy once per day - and the rarer the Dragonlet, the bigger the increase.
    • Visit NFTMart to buy and sell DemoniCore NFT cards.
    • View your NFT card collection on your player profile page.

Demons possess the insidious ability to chip away at one's mental health. Starting at Circle 1, each demon battle that you endure increases your Insanity by 1 point. Every 9 Insanity points increases your Insanity level by 1.

  • Each Insanity level decreases your battle stats by 1.
    • For example, if you have an Insanity level of 2, your Attack, Defense, Magic, Speed, and Faith levels will be reduced by 2 (but no stat level will go below 1).
  • You can decrease your Insanity level by:
    1. Conjuring and slaying an Otherworld demon.
      • The DemoniCore Brethren have honed not only the art of Conjuring this rare demon type, but of extracting their unique cosmic energy to stabilize and strengthen one's mental state.
      • The Circle of Hell from which you conjure the Otherworld demon determines how many Insanity levels will be subtracted when you slay it.
      • For example, slaying an Otherworld demon from the 1st Circle of Hell will reduce your Insanity level by 1, whereas slaying one from the 5th Circle of Hell will reduce it by 5.
      • An Otherworld demon does not drop DCORE when slain.
    2. Upgrading your Attack, Defense, Magic, Speed, or Faith level.
      • Your Insanity level is reduced by the level number of your stat upgrade, e.g. upgrading Speed to level 3 will decrease your Insanity by 3 levels, or 27 points.
    3. Owning a cat NFT card. By holding a cat familiar in your collection, your Insanity will decrease each day - and the rarer the cat, the bigger the reduction.
      • Visit NFTMart to buy and sell DemoniCore NFT cards.
      • View your NFT card collection on your player profile page.
    4. Buying a sanity potion. Click the icon next to your Insanity level stat.
      • One potion reduces Insanity by 1 level (9 points).
    5. Every seven days, all players with a positive Insanity balance will naturally heal by 1 point.

Player Stats

Attack level
  • Increases the damage you can cause when choosing to Attack a demon. A demon's Defense level decreases this damage
  • Above level 1, this stat can decrease the amount of time it takes to recharge 1 Energy. The lowest possible recharge time is 1 hour
  • Each level of this stat boosts your base Health by 1
Defense level
  • Decreases the damage you receive from a demon that chooses to Attack you in battle. A demon's Attack level increases this damage
  • Above level 1, this stat can increase the maximum Energy that the player can have. The highest possible Energy for a player is 24
  • Each level of this stat boosts your base Health by 1
Magic level
  • Increases the damage you can cause when choosing the Magic battle option against a demon. A demon's Blasphemy level and Magic level decrease this damage
  • Along with your Faith level, decreases the damage you receive from a demon who chooses Magic against you
Speed level
  • Increases your chances of hitting a demon with a physical Attack. The demon's Speed level decreases your chances of hitting them
  • Increases your chances of dodging a demon who chooses to Attack you. The demon's Speed level decreases your chances of dodging their attack
  • Increases your chances of winning the Initiative when determining who goes first in a Battle turn. The demon's Speed level decreases your chance of winning the Initiative
Faith level
  • Increases your chances of Guessing the name of a demon. A demon's Blasphemy level decreases your chances of correctly guessing it
  • Along with your Magic level, decreases the damage you can take from a demon who uses Magic against you
  • Increases the DCORE rewards you can win from slaying demons