Top Players Cards Exorcisms Battle
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  • 0th Circle Initiate
  • 0 / 108 DCORE
  • Exorcised: 15
  • Cards: 0
Hive Engine
  • Staked: 0 DCORE
  • Liquid: 0 DCORE
Be resolute, for once you begin an exorcism, you must see it to the end.

Demonic hordes are not only attacking our cities, but are taking over the minds of individual humans. Insidious possession demons infiltrate the psyche of vulnerable young folk, and only a trained Brethren of DemoniCore can expel these foul beasts.

Possession Demon

View rules
  • Choose to help a possessed victim from the list of available cases. Each victim requires a different length of treatment, depending on the power of the possession demon that they are infected with.
  • After successfully performing the Rite of Exorcism daily for the required length of time, you will prevail against the possession demon and receive a reward of DCORE!
    • To increase your daily reward amount for future exorcisms, stake enough DCORE to Ascend to the next Circle.
    • Click on the icon under your username and Circle description, to start staking and earning more!
Log in with your HIVE user to join the fight!

Exorcism history

  • No Exorcisms recorded yet